How to Record and Document Your Computer Steps with Microsoft Step Recorder

How to Record and Document Your Computer Steps with Microsoft Step Recorder

Microsoft Step Recorder is a built-in tool in Windows that allows users to record and save a series of screenshots and actions taken on a computer. This tool is useful for troubleshooting and documenting steps for others to follow. Here is a tutorial on how to use Microsoft Step Recorder:

  1. Open the Step Recorder: To open Step Recorder, press Windows key + R, type “psr.exe” in the Run dialog box, and hit Enter.
  2. Start Recording: To start recording, click the “Start Record” button in the Step Recorder window.
  3. Record Steps: Perform the actions you want to record, such as opening programs, navigating through menus, and clicking buttons. Step Recorder will take screenshots and save the actions you take.
  4. Add Comments: You can add comments to each step by clicking the “Add Comment” button and typing a brief description of the action performed.
  5. Stop Recording: To stop recording, click the “Stop Record” button.
  6. Save Record: After you’ve stopped recording, you can save the record by clicking the “Save” button. Give the record a name and choose a location to save it. The file will be saved as a .zip file that contains a .mht file, which is a web archive file that can be opened in a web browser.
  7. View Record: To view the record, open the .mht file in a web browser. The file will contain screenshots of each step along with the comments and actions taken.

That’s it! Using Microsoft Step Recorder is a quick and easy way to document and troubleshoot computer issues. It one of those hidden secrets that I recently became aware of and decided to share because of how such a great tool it is.

Did you know about Step Recorder? Do you plan to use it going forward? Please share your thoughts in the comment section.

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